The @tevm/vm
package provides a high-performance Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) implementation specifically designed for Tevm. It extends the functionality of the base EVM with additional features for testing, debugging, and development purposes.
npm install @tevm/vm
The VM package is a core component of Tevm that handles the execution of EVM bytecode, transaction processing, and block building. It provides a robust set of tools for:
- Executing EVM bytecode and smart contracts
- Processing transactions and blocks
- Managing state transitions
- Supporting various hardforks and EIPs
- Debugging and profiling execution
API Reference
Core Types
The main VM type that extends the base VM with Tevm-specific functionality:
- Core VM type with methods for block building, transaction execution, and state management
Block Building
- Class for building and managing blocksBuildBlock
- Function type for block building operationsBuildBlockOpts
- Options for block buildingBuildStatus
- Enumeration of block building states
Transaction Processing
- Function type for transaction executionRunTxOpts
- Options for transaction executionRunTxResult
- Result of transaction execution
Block Processing
- Function type for block executionRunBlockOpts
- Options for block executionRunBlockResult
- Result of block execution
- Event emitted after transaction executionAfterBlockEvent
- Event emitted after block executionVMEvents
- VM event types and handlers
Core Functions
VM Creation and Management
Block Operations
- Applies a block to the current statebuildBlock
- Creates a new block builder instancegenTxTrie
- Generates transaction trie for a block
Transaction Operations
- Validates transaction parameters before execution
State Management
- Applies the DAO hardfork state changesexecHardfork
- Executes hardfork-specific operations
Usage Examples
Creating a VM Instance
import { createVm } from '@tevm/vm'
import { Common } from '@tevm/common'
const common = new Common({ chain: 'mainnet' })
const vm = createVm({ common })
Building and Executing a Block
import { createVm, BlockBuilder } from '@tevm/vm'
const vm = createVm({ /* options */ })
const blockBuilder = await vm.buildBlock({
parentBlock: block,
blockOpts: { /* options */ }
// Add transactions to the block
await blockBuilder.addTransaction(tx)
// Build and execute the block
const block = await blockBuilder.build()
const result = await vm.runBlock({ block })
Executing a Transaction
import { createVm } from '@tevm/vm'
const vm = createVm({ /* options */ })
const txResult = await vm.runTx({ tx })
console.log('Gas used:', txResult.gasUsed.toString())
console.log('Return value:', txResult.execResult.returnValue)
Error Handling
The VM package throws specific error types for different failure scenarios:
- Transaction execution errors (invalid nonce, insufficient balance, etc.)
- Block validation errors (invalid state root, gas limit, etc.)
- VM execution errors (out of gas, invalid opcode, etc.)
Example error handling:
try {
await vm.runTx({ tx })
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'INVALID_OPCODE') {
console.error('Invalid operation in contract code')
} else if (error.code === 'OUT_OF_GAS') {
console.error('Transaction ran out of gas')
The VM can be configured with various options through the VMOpts
const vm = createVm({
common, // Chain configuration
stateManager, // Custom state manager
blockchain, // Custom blockchain
activatePrecompiles: true, // Activate precompiled contracts
// ... other options
Related Packages
- @tevm/state - State management for the VM
- @tevm/common - Chain configuration and utilities
- @tevm/blockchain - Blockchain management