The @tevm/evm
package provides a custom implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), extending the functionality of ethereumjs/evm
. It's responsible for executing Ethereum bytecode and managing the execution environment.
Generated API Documentation: View the full API documentation in the evmts/tevm-monorepo/packages/evm/docs folder.
npm install @tevm/evm
API Reference
- EvmErrorMessage - EVM error message types
Core Classes
- Evm - Main EVM implementation class
- EthjsMessage - EVM message handling
- EvmError - EVM error handling
- EvmResult - Result of EVM execution
- EvmRunCallOpts - Options for running calls
- ExecResult - Execution result details
- InterpreterStep - Interpreter step information
- PrecompileInput - Input for precompiles
Type Aliases
- CreateEvmOptions - Options for creating an EVM
- CustomPrecompile - Custom precompile definition
- EVMOpts - EVM configuration options
- Eof - EOF-related constants
- createEvm - Create a new EVM instance
- getActivePrecompiles - Get active precompiles
Usage Examples
Creating an EVM Instance
import { createEvm } from '@tevm/evm'
import { mainnet } from '@tevm/common'
import { createStateManager } from '@tevm/state'
import { createChain } from '@tevm/chain'
const evm = await createEvm({
common: mainnet,
stateManager: createStateManager,
blockchain: await createChain({ common: mainnet }),
customPrecompiles: [], // Optional custom precompiles
profiler: false, // Enable/disable profiling
loggingLevel: 'warn', // Logging configuration
Running EVM Calls
const result = await evm.runCall({
to: '0x1234...',
caller: '0x5678...',
data: new Uint8Array([/* bytecode */]),
value: 1000n,
gasLimit: 100000n
Custom Precompiles
import { definePrecompile, defineCall, createContract, parseAbi } from '@tevm/evm'
import { createAddress } from '@tevm/utils'
const MyContract = createContract({
address: createAddress(2424).toString(),
abi: parseAbi([
'function addTwo(uint256) returns (uint256)',
const customPrecompile = definePrecompile({
contract: MyContract,
call: defineCall(MyContract.abi, {
addTwo: async ({ args }) => {
return {
returnValue: args[0] + 5n,
executionGasUsed: 0n
Error Handling
try {
const result = await evm.runCall({
to: '0x1234...',
gasLimit: 100n // Very low gas limit
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof EvmError) {
console.log(error.error) // e.g. EvmErrorMessage.OUT_OF_GAS
Debugging and Performance
// Enable debug logging
const evm = await createEvm({
loggingLevel: 'trace'
// Get performance logs
const logs = evm.getPerformanceLogs()
console.log(logs.opcodes) // Opcode execution stats
console.log(logs.precompiles) // Precompile execution stats