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Here's what developers and industry leaders are saying about Tevm

Community Highlights

"Fully @tevmtools pilled now. The beauty and harmony of the dev tooling 😍."

EulerLagrange.eth - ver/acc


"If you're building a blockchain application on the web, I'm almost certain there is a use case for Tevm. It might change everything, and at worse it would most likely improve your devX."



"Yeah, using bundling tools like Tevm with Viem offers a very nice experience here."



"Incredible! And also very cursed haha"

Darryl Yeo・d/acc


"tevm is the accessible version of reth exex for data engineers"

"Helios 🤝 Tevm"



"Please tell me this is a shitpost"

Patrick Collins


"I don't know if I should be impressed or scared"

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