Notable Methods & Exports
Beyond the high-level bundler plugins, Tevm exposes several internal utility methods and functions for advanced use cases. These are useful if you're building custom bundling workflows, debugging compilation issues, or extending Tevm's functionality.
Core Bundler (@tevm/base-bundler
The base bundler handles the complete process of transforming Solidity files into JavaScript/TypeScript modules:
import { bundler } from '@tevm/base-bundler'
import { createCache } from '@tevm/bundler-cache'
import { createSolc } from '@tevm/solc'
import { loadConfig } from '@tevm/config'
// Create a bundler instance
const tevmBundler = bundler(
config, // from loadConfig()
console, // logger
fileAccessObj, // file system access
solcInstance, // from createSolc()
cacheInstance, // from createCache()
// Convert a Solidity file to TypeScript
const { code, modules } = await tevmBundler.resolveTsModule(
false, // includeAst
true // includeBytecode
The bundler()
factory creates an object with methods for different output formats:
- Generates TypeScriptresolveEsmModule
- Generates ES modulesresolveCjsModule
- Generates CommonJSresolveDts
- Generates TypeScript declarations
Each method also has a synchronous version with Sync
suffix (e.g., resolveTsModuleSync
Import Resolution (@tevm/resolutions
The resolutions package provides tools for parsing and resolving Solidity import statements:
import { moduleFactory, resolveImports } from '@tevm/resolutions'
// Find all imports in a Solidity file
const imports = await resolveImports(
'/path/to/Contract.sol', // absolute path
contractSourceCode, // raw source code
{ '@openzeppelin/': 'node_modules/@openzeppelin/' }, // remappings
['lib', 'node_modules'], // library search paths
false // async mode
// Build a module dependency graph
const modules = await moduleFactory(
false // async mode
- Parses import statements and resolves them to absolute file pathsmoduleFactory()
- Builds a complete dependency graph of Solidity modules
Source: moduleFactory.js | Source: resolveImports.js
Compilation (@tevm/compiler
The compiler package handles the interaction with the Solidity compiler:
import { resolveArtifacts } from '@tevm/compiler'
// Compile a Solidity file and generate artifacts
const { artifacts, modules, asts } = await resolveArtifacts(
'MyContract.s.sol', // entry point
process.cwd(), // base directory
console, // logger
config, // compiler config
true, // include AST
true, // include bytecode
fileAccessObj, // file access
solcInstance // solc compiler instance
// Result includes:
console.log(artifacts) // Contract artifacts with ABI, bytecode, etc.
console.log(modules) // Module dependency graph
console.log(asts) // Abstract Syntax Tree (if requested)
- Compiles a Solidity file and its dependencies into ABI, bytecode, and AST- Also has a synchronous version:
Caching (@tevm/bundler-cache
The cache system improves build performance by storing compiled artifacts:
import { createCache } from '@tevm/bundler-cache'
// Create a cache instance
const cache = createCache(
'.tevm', // cache directory
fileAccessObj, // file system access
process.cwd() // current working directory
// Read/write artifacts and generated code
await cache.writeArtifacts(contractPath, compiledContracts)
const artifacts = await cache.readArtifacts(contractPath)
await cache.writeDts(contractPath, dtsContent)
const dts = await cache.readDts(contractPath)
The cache provides methods for reading and writing various types of files:
- Compiled contract artifacts (ABI, bytecode, etc.)readDts
- TypeScript declaration filesreadMjs
- ESM JavaScript filesreadCjs
- CommonJS JavaScript files
Each method also has a synchronous version with Sync
Configuration (@tevm/config
The config package handles loading and merging configuration from various sources:
import { loadConfig } from '@tevm/config'
// Load configuration from tevm.config.json, tsconfig.json, foundry.toml, etc.
const config = await loadConfig(process.cwd())
console.log(config.remappings) // Merged remappings from all sources
console.log(config.libs) // Library search paths
console.log(config.cacheDir) // Cache directory
- Loads and merges configuration from multiple sources- Handles Foundry remappings, TypeScript config, and tevm.config.json
Runtime (@tevm/runtime
The runtime package generates the actual TypeScript/JavaScript code for compiled Solidity contracts:
import { generateTevmBody, generateTevmBodyDts } from '@tevm/runtime'
// Generate TypeScript implementation
const tsCode = generateTevmBody(
'MyContract', // contract name
artifacts, // compilation artifacts
'tevm/contract', // import path for createContract
true, // include bytecode
// Generate TypeScript declaration
const dtsCode = generateTevmBodyDts(
'MyContract', // contract name
artifacts, // compilation artifacts
'tevm/contract', // import path for createContract
true, // include bytecode
- Generates TypeScript/JavaScript implementationgenerateTevmBodyDts()
- Generates TypeScript declaration file (.d.ts)
Source: generateTevmBody.js | Source: generateTevmBodyDts.js
Creating a Custom Bundler
If you need to create a custom bundler pipeline, you can combine these utilities:
import { loadConfig } from '@tevm/config'
import { createSolc } from '@tevm/solc'
import { createCache } from '@tevm/bundler-cache'
import { bundler } from '@tevm/base-bundler'
import { resolveArtifacts } from '@tevm/compiler'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
// Step 1: Create a file access object
const fileAccess = {
readFile: (path, enc) => fs.readFile(path, { encoding: enc }),
writeFile: fs.writeFile,
// Add other required methods...
// Step 2: Load configuration
const config = await loadConfig(process.cwd())
// Step 3: Create a cache
const cache = createCache('.tevm', fileAccess, process.cwd())
// Step 4: Create a solc instance
const solc = await createSolc()
// Step 5: Create a bundler
const myBundler = bundler(config, console, fileAccess, solc, cache)
// Step 6: Process a Solidity file
const result = await myBundler.resolveTsModule(
// Step 7: Use the generated code
console.log(result.code) // TypeScript code for Contract
Further Reading
- Bundler Internals - Learn how the bundler works under the hood
- Troubleshooting - Solve common issues with the bundler
- GitHub Repository - Source code for all bundler packages