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Bundler Internals

This page explains the internal workings of the Tevm bundler to help you understand how it transforms Solidity contracts into TypeScript modules.

Architecture Overview

All Tevm bundler plugins share a unified core (@tevm/base-bundler). This architecture ensures consistent behavior across different build tools while allowing each plugin to adapt to its specific environment.

The bundler pipeline consists of several key stages:

1. Import Detection & Resolution

When the bundler encounters a .sol import, it:

  • Parses the import statement using regex to extract the import path
  • Converts relative paths to absolute paths
  • Applies custom remappings from various sources (tsconfig.json paths, foundry remappings, tevm.config.json)
  • Handles node_modules resolution for npm packages
  • Supports special import formats like .s.sol for bytecode inclusion

The import resolution mechanism merges multiple sources of configuration:

User Import → Node.js Resolution + Foundry Remappings → Absolute File Path

This allows the bundler to support both traditional JavaScript module resolution and Solidity/Foundry-style import resolution simultaneously.

2. Compilation

Once all imports are resolved, the bundler:

  • Creates a dependency graph of all imported Solidity files
  • Passes the full source code and import structure to solc (the Solidity compiler)
  • If the file ends in .s.sol, both ABI and bytecode are generated; otherwise only ABI is produced
  • Extracts metadata, NatSpec documentation, and optionally the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)

The compilation step handles error reporting and version management for the Solidity compiler.

3. Code Generation

After compilation, the bundler:

  • Generates a TypeScript (or JavaScript) module that exports a Tevm Contract instance
  • Creates type definitions for all contract methods, events, and errors
  • Maps Solidity types to TypeScript types (uint256 → bigint, address → string, etc.)
  • Adds metadata, ABI, and optionally bytecode as properties of the exported contract
  • Generates .read and .write method interfaces for type-safe contract interaction

The code generation step preserves NatSpec documentation as JSDoc comments, allowing editors to display contract documentation on hover.

4. Caching

To improve build performance, the bundler:

  • Stores compiled artifacts in a .tevm directory
  • Caches based on file content hashes, not just timestamps
  • Avoids unnecessary recompilation when source files haven't changed
  • Stores intermediate artifacts (ABI, bytecode) separately from generated code
  • Handles cache invalidation when dependencies or compiler settings change

The caching system balances build speed with correctness by selectively invalidating only affected parts of the cache.

5. LSP & TS Plugin Integration

The final piece of the bundler architecture is the TypeScript Language Service Plugin:

  • The @tevm/ts-plugin hooks into the TypeScript compiler
  • References bundler outputs to provide type information for .sol imports
  • Enables advanced IDE features:
    • Contract-level auto-completion
    • Go-to-definition for contract methods
    • Hover documentation showing NatSpec comments
    • Type checking for contract method arguments and return values

The plugin bridges the gap between the build-time bundler process and the development-time editor experience.

Internal Implementation Details

Module Factory

The bundler uses a module factory pattern to create a dependency graph of all Solidity files:

// Internal implementation (simplified)
function moduleFactory(entry, source, remappings, libs) {
  const modules = new Map()
  const queue = [{ path: entry, source }]
  while (queue.length > 0) {
    const { path, source } = queue.shift()
    if (modules.has(path)) continue
    // Find all imports in the source
    const imports = resolveImports(path, source, remappings, libs)
    // Add to module map
    modules.set(path, {
      id: path,
      imports: => i.path)
    // Queue imports for processing
    for (const imp of imports) {
      if (!modules.has(imp.path)) {
        queue.push({ path: imp.path, source: readFile(imp.path) })
  return modules

Solidity Compiler Integration

The bundler interfaces with the Solidity compiler through a standardized API:

// Internal implementation (simplified)
function compile(sources, settings) {
  const input = {
    language: 'Solidity',
    sources: Object.fromEntries(
        ([path, { content }]) => [path, { content }]
    settings: {
      outputSelection: {
        '*': {
          '*': ['abi', 'evm.bytecode', 'evm.deployedBytecode', 'metadata', 'userdoc', 'devdoc']
  return solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input), { import: resolveImport })

Contract Instance Generation

The bundler generates a TypeScript module that exports a Tevm Contract instance:

// Generated code (simplified)
import { createContract } from 'tevm/contract'
export const MyContract = createContract({
  abi: [...], // ABI from compiler
  bytecode: '0x...', // Optional, only for .s.sol files
  deployedBytecode: '0x...', // Optional, only for .s.sol files
// Strongly typed methods available via:
// MyContract.write.methodName

Further Reading