Package Reference
Tevm Node is built as a collection of modular packages. You can install the complete suite with npm install tevm
or individual packages based on your needs.
Installation Options
Complete Package
npm install tevm
// Import from the main package
import { createTevmNode } from 'tevm'
import { callHandler } from 'tevm/actions'
import { http } from 'tevm/transport'
Individual Packages
npm install @tevm/node @tevm/actions
// Import directly from packages
import { createTevmNode } from '@tevm/node'
import { callHandler } from '@tevm/actions'
Core Packages
Node & Client
@tevm/node - Core node implementation and management
- Main entry point for creating and managing Tevm nodes
- Blockchain and state management
- Mining and block production
@tevm/memory-client - In-memory Ethereum client
- Viem-compatible client interface
- Local state management
- Transaction handling
EVM & Execution
@tevm/vm - Virtual Machine implementation
- EVM execution environment
- Opcode handling
- State transitions
@tevm/evm - Low-level EVM operations
- Bytecode execution
- Gas calculation
- Stack management
State & Storage
@tevm/state - State management
- Account state handling
- Storage manipulation
- State transitions
@tevm/blockchain - Blockchain implementation
- Block management
- Chain reorganization
- Header validation
Transaction Handling
Transaction Processing
@tevm/tx - Transaction utilities
- Transaction signing
- Gas estimation
- Receipt generation
@tevm/txpool - Transaction pool management
- Pending transaction queue
- Transaction ordering
- Replacement handling
Block & Receipt Management
@tevm/block - Block utilities
- Block creation
- Block validation
- Chain management
@tevm/receipt-manager - Transaction receipts
- Receipt storage
- Event logging
- Gas usage tracking
Client Integration
@tevm/jsonrpc - JSON-RPC implementation
- Standard Ethereum methods
- Custom Tevm methods
- Error handling
@tevm/http-client - HTTP client
- Remote node communication
- Request batching
- Error handling
Actions & Procedures
@tevm/actions - High-level actions
- Contract interaction
- Account management
- State queries
@tevm/procedures - Common operations
- State manipulation
- Chain operations
- Utility functions
Smart Contract Tools
Contract Interaction
@tevm/contract - Contract utilities
- ABI handling
- Function encoding
- Event parsing
@tevm/precompiles - Precompiled contracts
- Standard precompiles
- Custom implementations
- Gas calculation
Contract Management
- @tevm/predeploys - Pre-deployed contracts
- Standard contracts
- Network-specific contracts
- Contract deployment
Utilities & Helpers
Core Utilities
@tevm/utils - Common utilities
- Address handling
- Data encoding
- Type conversion
@tevm/common - Shared constants
- Chain configurations
- Network parameters
- Common types
Development Tools
@tevm/decorators - Function decorators
- Method extension
- Behavior modification
- Utility wrappers
@tevm/errors - Error handling
- Error types
- Error messages
- Stack traces
Data Structures
@tevm/rlp - RLP encoding/decoding
- Data serialization
- Network protocol
- Storage format
@tevm/trie - Merkle Patricia Tree
- State storage
- Proof verification
- Tree manipulation
Development & Debugging
Logging & Debugging
@tevm/logger - Logging system
- Configurable levels
- Output formatting
- Debug information
@tevm/effect - Effect system
- Side effect handling
- Async operations
- Error recovery
Storage & Types
@tevm/sync-storage-persister - Storage persistence
- State synchronization
- Data persistence
- Cache management
@tevm/client-types - Type definitions
- Interface definitions
- Type exports
- API documentation
Best Practices
Start Simple
- Begin with the complete
package - Only split into individual packages if you need to optimize bundle size
- Begin with the complete
Bundle Optimization
- Import from specific subpaths:
instead of@tevm/actions
- Use tree-shaking friendly imports
- Import from specific subpaths:
Version Management
- Keep all @tevm/* packages on the same version
- Update packages together to avoid compatibility issues
Development Workflow
- Use TypeScript for better type safety
- Leverage provided type definitions
- Follow the documentation for each package