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Account Management

Tevm provides two key actions for managing account state: getAccountHandler and setAccountHandler.


The getAccountHandler action allows you to retrieve the current state of an account.


type GetAccountParams = {
  // Required address of the account
  address: Address
  // Optional block tag to query state from
  blockTag?: 'latest' | 'pending' | 'earliest' | number
  // Whether to return storage (can be expensive)
  returnStorage?: boolean

Return Type

type GetAccountResult = {
  // Address of the account
  address: Address
  // Current nonce
  nonce: bigint
  // Balance in wei
  balance: bigint
  // Deployed bytecode (if contract)
  deployedBytecode: Hex
  // Storage root
  storageRoot: Hex
  // Code hash
  codeHash: Hex
  // Whether this is a contract
  isContract: boolean
  // Whether account is empty
  isEmpty: boolean
  // Storage (if returnStorage=true)
  storage?: { [key: Hex]: Hex }
  // Any errors that occurred
  errors?: TevmGetAccountError[]


import { createTevmNode } from 'tevm'
import { getAccountHandler } from 'tevm/actions'
const node = createTevmNode()
const account = await getAccountHandler(node)({
  address: '0x...',
  blockTag: 'latest',
  returnStorage: true
console.log('Balance:', account.balance)
console.log('Nonce:', account.nonce)
if (account.isContract) {
  console.log('Code:', account.deployedBytecode)


The setAccountHandler action allows you to modify account state directly.


type SetAccountParams = {
  // Required address to modify
  address: Address
  // New nonce value
  nonce?: bigint
  // New balance in wei
  balance?: bigint
  // New deployed bytecode
  deployedBytecode?: Hex
  // New storage values
  state?: { [key: Hex]: Hex }

Return Type

type SetAccountResult = {
  // Any errors that occurred
  errors?: TevmSetAccountError[]


1. Setting Account Balance

import { setAccountHandler } from 'tevm/actions'
await setAccountHandler(node)({
  address: '0x...',
  balance: parseEther('100')

2. Deploying Contract Code

await setAccountHandler(node)({
  address: contractAddress,
  deployedBytecode: '0x...',
  state: {
    // Initial storage values
    '0x0000...': '0x0000...'

3. Modifying Multiple Properties

await setAccountHandler(node)({
  address: '0x...',
  nonce: 5n,
  balance: parseEther('10'),
  state: {
    [slot1]: value1,
    [slot2]: value2

Best Practices

  1. Storage Management:

    // Avoid fetching storage unless needed
    const account = await getAccountHandler(node)({
      address: '0x...',
      returnStorage: false // default
  2. State Consistency:

    // Check account exists before modifying
    const account = await getAccountHandler(node)({ address })
    if (!account.isEmpty) {
      await setAccountHandler(node)({
        balance: account.balance + amount
  3. Error Handling:

    const result = await setAccountHandler(node)({
      address: '0x...',
      balance: newBalance,
      throwOnFail: false
    if (result.errors) {
      console.error('Failed to set account:', result.errors)

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